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Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Steering Committee (2024/2025)
Chairman: Mr YIH Lai-tak, Dieter, JP
Vice-Chairman: Prof LO Ming-tung
Members: Mr CHAN Tsun-kit, Kit
Ms CHENG Lai-kuen
Prof CHUNG Shu-hung, Henry
Dr FOK Ping-kwan
Ms HO Lan-sang, Nancy
Prof HUI Sai-chuen, Stanley
Dr LEUNG Kin-man
Mr LEUNG Yiu-fai, David
Mr SHEK Wai-keung
Dr WONG Yuet-ming, Bruce
Mr YEUNG Sai-man, MH
Ex-officio Members: Principal Assistant Secretary (Professional Development and Training), Education Bureau
Ms LEE Wai-ping

Representative of Principal Assistant Secretary (Curriculum Development), Education Bureau
Ms LAW Kit-ling, Grace

Representative of Principal Assistant Secretary (Quality Assurance), Education Bureau
Mr LEUNG Pak-wai, Ashley
Secretary: Chief Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards and Language Teacher Qualifications), Education Bureau

Terms of Reference of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Steering Committee

  1. Steer the long-term development and to decide on the main features of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence;
  2. Oversee the launch and implementation of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence;
  3. Advise on the publicity strategy of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence;
  4. Oversee the smooth operation of the various working groups / assessment panels established under the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Steering Committee; and
  5. Review the effectiveness of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence.
Assessment Working Group (2024/2025)
Chairman: Prof LO Ming-tung
Vice-Chairman: Dr FOK Ping-kwan
Members: Ms CHAN Shuk-ying
Mr CHAN Cheung-wai, Eric
Ms CHENG Lai-kuen
Prof CHEUNG Wai-ming
Prof CHEUNG Chak-chung, Ray
Mr CHOW Lai-sum
Ms CHU Pui-man, Peggy
Ms CHUNG Po-loi
Ms FONG Tsz-hang
Mr FOO Yun-wai
Mr FUNG Ka-lun
Ms HUI Pui-lai, Angel
Ms KONG Sau-man
Prof KWONG Che-leung, Charles
Ms LEE Yi-ying
Dr LI Wai-chin
Mr LIANG Kwun-fan
Prof LO Yuen-yi
Prof NG Oi-lam
Mr POON Shing-kai
Prof SHUM Kar-man, Kathy
Dr WU Siu-wai
Ms YAN Kin-foon, Alice
Prof YU Leung-ho, Philip
Prof ZHU Xin-hua
Ex-officio Members: Principal Assistant Secretary (Professional Development and Training), Education Bureau
Ms LEE Wai-ping

Chief Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards and Language Teacher Qualifications), Education Bureau

Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Chinese), Education Bureau
Ms HO Yin-ping (up to 22 December 2024)
Miss KWAN Kwok-ying (with effect from 23 December 2024)

Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Mathematics), Education Bureau
Mr LEE Chun-yue

Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Moral, Civic and National Education)1, Education Bureau
Mr HUNG Chi-pan, Ben

Chief Curriculum Development Officer (School-based Curriculum Development (Primary)), Education Bureau
Ms HUNG Lai-ting, Venus

Chief Quality Assurance Officer 5, Education Bureau
Mr WONG Yee-long, Jonathan
Secretary: Senior Executive Officer (Teacher Awards), Education Bureau
Ms TAM Ngai-yin, Judith

Terms of Reference of the Assessment Working Group (2024/2025)

  1. Advise on the nomination procedures and associated requirements for the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) (2024/2025) ;
  2. Advise on the assessment criteria and associated matters of CEATE (2024/2025);
  3. Advise and oversee the assessment process and to consider the assessment results as presented by the assessment panels; and
  4. Review the nomination, assessment and adjudication processes of CEATE (2024/2025) following the completion of such processes.
Assessment Panel on Chinese Language Education Key Learning Area (2024/2025)
Chairman: Prof CHEUNG Wai-ming
Members: Ms CHAN Shuk-ying
Dr FUNG Chi-wang
Mr HO Yin-fai
Ms KONG Sau-man
Mr LAM Chun-wah
Prof LAU Kit-ling, Dinky
Mr LIANG Kwun-fan
Ms NG Ka-pik, Bonnie
Ms WONG Siu-ling
Prof ZHU Xin-hua
Ex-officio Members: Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Chinese)
Ms HO Yin-ping (up to 22 December 2024)
Miss KWAN Kwok-ying (with effect from 23 December 2024)

Chief Quality Assurance Officer 7
Ms LAW Chun-ling, Stephanie (up to 6 January 2025)

Chief Quality Assurance Officer 3
Mr LI Ting-yuen (with effect from 7 January 2025)

Chief Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards and Language Teacher Qualifications)

Assessment Officer (Teacher Awards)3
Ms CHAN Cheuk-yue, Kitty
Secretary: Senior Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards) 5
Mr WONG Kam-pang, Kelvin

Terms of Reference of the Assessment Panel on Chinese Language Education Key Learning Area [AP (CLE KLA)] (2024/2025)

  1. To conduct initial assessment on Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) (2024/2025) nominations which fall under the area of Chinese Language Education Key Learning Area and to shortlist potential nominations for detailed assessment;
  2. To conduct detailed assessment on the short-listed nominations and to recommend a list of awardees for Teaching Excellence and recipients of the Certificate of Merit;
  3. To examine the “Comprehensive Report on the Assessment of CEATE Nominations – Chinese Language Education Key Learning Area” to be compiled by the Assessment Officer; and
  4. To review the effectiveness of the assessment mechanism engaged by the AP (CLE KLA) and to recommend, where appropriate, possible areas for improvement.
Assessment Panel on Mathematics Education Key Learning Area (2024/2025)
Chairman: Prof YU Leung-ho, Philip
Members: Mr CHEUNG Yat-ming, Ryan
Mr CHIU Hong-ming, Eddie
Mr CHOW Lai-sum
Ms CHUNG Po-loi
Prof HON Yiu-chung, Benny
Prof NG Oi-lam
Ms NG Tan, Denise
Mr POON Shing-kai
Ms YEUNG Wing-ying
Dr ZHANG Qiaoping
Ex-officio Members: Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Mathematics)
Mr LEE Chun-yue

Principal Inspector (Indicators)
Mr CHAN Siu-chuen, Vincent

Chief Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards and Language Teacher Qualifications)

Assessment Officer (Teacher Awards)1
Mr AU Yiu-fai, James (up to 1 January 2025)
Mr CHUNG Kwok-tung, Michael (with effect from 27 January 2025)
Secretary: Senior Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards) 3
Ms YEUNG Pui-lam, Alison

Terms of Reference of the Assessment Panel on Mathematics Education Key Learning Area [AP (ME KLA)] (2024/2025)

  1. To conduct initial assessment on Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) (2024/2025) nominations which fall under the area of Mathematics Education Key Learning Area and to shortlist potential nominations for detailed assessment;
  2. To conduct detailed assessment on the short-listed nominations and to recommend a list of awardees for Teaching Excellence and recipients of the Certificate of Merit;
  3. To examine the “Comprehensive Report on the Assessment of CEATE Nominations – Mathematics Education Key Learning Area” to be compiled by the Assessment Officer; and
  4. To review the effectiveness of the assessment mechanism engaged by the AP (ME KLA) and to recommend, where appropriate, possible areas for improvement.
Assessment Panel on Values Education (2024/2025)
Chairman: Dr WU Siu-wai
Members: Ms CHAN Chi-yan, Alison
Mr CHU Kwok-kit
Ms FONG Tze-hang
Mr KWAN Si-lun, Alan
Dr LAU Ngar-sze
Prof SHUM Kar-man, Kathy
Ms YAN Kin-foon, Alice
Ms YAU Chun-yin, Ranny
Ex-officio Members: Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Moral, Civic and National Education)1
Mr HUNG Chi-pan, Ben

Chief Quality Assurance Officer 10
Ms YEUNG Hin-lan, Aleem

Chief Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards and Language Teacher Qualifications)

Assessment Officer (Teacher Awards)2
Dr WONG Miu-ling, Eva
Secretary: Senior Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards) 2
Mr CHAN Ling-fung, Edward (up to 19 January 2025)
Mr CHOI Ho-ling, Larry (with effect from 20 January 2025)

Terms of Reference of the Assessment Panel on Values Education [AP (Val Ed)] (2024/2025)

  1. To conduct initial assessment on Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) (2024/2025) nominations which fall under the area of Values Education and to shortlist potential nominations for detailed assessment;
  2. To conduct detailed assessment on the short-listed nominations and to recommend a list of awardees for Teaching Excellence and recipients of the Certificate of Merit;
  3. To examine the “Comprehensive Report on the Assessment of CEATE Nominations – Values Education” to be compiled by the Assessment Officer; and
  4. To review the effectiveness of the assessment mechanism engaged by the AP (Val Ed) and to recommend, where appropriate, possible areas for improvement.
Assessment Panel on Award for Budding Teachers (2024/2025)
Chairman: Prof LO Yuen-yi
Members: Ms CHENG Lai-kuen
Ms CHEUNG Po-man
Dr FONG Wai-tsz, Ricci (up to 27 November 2024)
Dr FOK Ping-kwan (with effect from 28 November 2024)
Mr FUNG Ka-lun
Prof KWONG Che-leung, Charles
Mr LAI Ho-ki
Ms LEE Yi-ying
Dr LEUNG Kin-yi, Promail
Ms LUI Yuen-yuen
Mr POON Kai-cheung, Franky
Prof TAM Tin-lok, Timothy
Ex-officio Members: Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Council and Secondary)
Ms LEE Yee, Virginia

Chief Quality Assurance Officer 5
Mr WONG Yee-long, Jonathan

Chief Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards and Language Teacher Qualifications)

Assessment Officer (Teacher Awards)2
Dr WONG Miu-ling, Eva
Secretary: Senior Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards) 2
Mr CHAN Ling-fung, Edward (up to 19 January 2025)
Mr CHOI Ho-ling, Larry (with effect from 20 January 2025)

Terms of Reference of the Assessment Panel on Award for Budding Teachers [AP (BT)] (2024/2025)

  1. To conduct initial assessment on Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) (2024/2025) nominations which fall under the Award for Budding Teachers and to shortlist potential nominations for detailed assessment;
  2. To conduct detailed assessment on the short-listed nominations and to recommend a list of awardees for Award for Budding Teachers;
  3. To examine the “Comprehensive Report on the Assessment of CEATE Nominations – Award for Budding Teachers” to be compiled by the Assessment Officer; and
  4. To review the effectiveness of the assessment mechanism engaged by the AP (BT) and to recommend, where appropriate, possible areas for improvement.
Assessment Panel on Award for Education Innovation (2024/2025)
Chairman: Prof CHEUNG Chak-chung, Ray
Members: Mr CHAN Cheung-wai, Eric
Mr CHOI Wai-kit, Ricky
Ms CHU Pui-man, Peggy
Dr FOK Wai-tung, Wilton
Mr FOO Yun-wai
Ms FUNG Man-yi
Dr LEE Pui-ling, Diana
Mr LI Chi-man
Dr LI Wai-chin
Ms MAH Wing-yee, Vernier
Ms TSANG Siu-sing
Ex-officio Members: Chief Curriculum Development Officer (School-based Curriculum Development (Primary))
Ms HUNG Lai-ting, Venus

Chief Quality Assurance Officer 1
Ms LAM Wing-yee, Sierra

Chief Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards and Language Teacher Qualifications)

Assessment Officer (Teacher Awards)3
Ms CHAN Cheuk-yue, Kitty
Secretary: Senior Professional Development Officer (Teacher Awards) 5
Mr WONG Kam-pang, Kelvin

Terms of Reference of the Assessment Panel on Award for Education Innovation [AP (EdI)] (2024/2025)

  1. To conduct initial assessment on Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE) (2024/2025) nominations which fall under the Award for Education Innovation and to shortlist potential nominations for detailed assessment;
  2. To conduct detailed assessment on the short-listed nominations and to recommend a list of awardees for Award for Education Innovation;
  3. To examine the “Comprehensive Report on the Assessment of CEATE Nominations – Award for Education Innovation” to be compiled by the Assessment Officer; and
  4. To review the effectiveness of the assessment mechanism engaged by the AP (EdI) and to recommend, where appropriate, possible areas for improvement.